Monday, 5 November 2018

Wild animal tee shirts

I am learning to sketch a wild animal and transfer my drawing to a tee shirt.  I used special fabric markers to colour in my design.

Number line subtraction

I am learning to use a number line to help solve subtraction problems to 20.

"I can count backwards to work out subtraction problems.  I put the biggest number first.
Sometimes I can do it in my head" said Macy

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Reading out loud

We are learning to read familiar poems out loud. We are trying to read with fluency and expression. As we get more confident, we can pay attention to the author's punctuation to help our reading sound more interesting.

"I can sound out words I don't know when I read out loud. I can read loudly so everyone can hear" said Macy.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Wonderful writing

At writing time we are learning to experiment with new types of punctuation. We are starting to read our stories back and check we have fullstops and capital letters in the correct places.

"I have learnt to make bigger stories and I can go over the page! I can do 8 sentences and I can sound them out better now."