Sunday, 16 September 2018

Reading and writing words

I am learning to write as many words independently in 10 minutes so that I will become more confident with my Reading and writing.

"I can read now because I can robot the words." said Macy

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Rocket ship

We have been learning about the solar system this term.  We made a rocket with paper and a straw then blew through the straw to see how far our rocket would travel.  

Friday, 7 September 2018

I'm on Phonics Fire!

Phonics lessons are a very important part of our Writing programme.
As I get more confident I try tricker things. In this photo I listened to a dictated sentence and then tried to write down what I heard and put in the correct punctuation. 

" I need to remember to do some finger spaces and a full stop next time." 

Measuring Challenge

We were learning to compare similar objects that differ only in length. We were experimenting measuring with non-standard units. We were learning to have an accurate starting and finishing point when we measured and use measuring language. 

"It was hard to measure the deck and I kept forgetting what number I was up too. "